What is the Schengen area ?
“The Schengen area is a symbol of freedom of movement and, more specifically, an area in which border controls between European states have been abolished… Normal, you might ask? Well, not really. It took political will, years of negotiation and many adjustments to build this area.
Doctor in Law, Independent Expert – France
Researchers and civil society actors specialised in migration issues and non-formal education have come together to share with you a unique experience to learn more about European migration policy!
Target :
Youth between 16 to 30 years old.
Duration :
3/4 hours (can be divided in 1 day or 3 sections of 1h30) *This workshop can be carried out in one day or divided into three 1h30 sections (without considering the time needed for the introduction, ice-breaking exercises, energisers, breaks, debriefing and evaluation)
- The Schenquiz : To understand better how the Schengen area was created and why it had to be born.
- The Schengen dilemma : To understand the controversies surrounding the Schengen area and to better grasp the different opposing interests
- Euro Schengen meeting : A game to further deepen the participant’s knowledge and understanding of the multiple points of views about the Schengen area and how to negotiate on those rules with the different actors.
- Identify the truth : To understand current challenges for Schengen and create a debate among the participants.