What is the EU Asylum Policy ?

“According to international law, an individual can seek protection from another country if they are not protected by their country of origin. Asylum is also a human right, a right that every person has simply because they exist as human beings.”
PhD Researcher in EU Migration Law
Charles de Visscher Center for International and European law (CeDIE)
Equipe Droit Européen et Migrations (EDEM)
Researchers and civil society actors specialised in migration issues and non-formal education have come together to share with you a unique experience to learn more about European migration policy!
Target :
Youth between 16 to 30 years old
Duration :
3/4 hours *This workshop can be carried out in one day or divided into three 1h30 sections (without considering the time needed for the introduction, ice-breaking exercises, energisers, breaks, debriefing and evaluation)
- mEUndo Café : To familiarize with core concepts of the asylum system in the EU
- Move the luggage : To understand the diversity of the ways and reasons why people seek for asylum and to develop empathy for the people who have a background related to asylum
- Roll the islands : To comprehend that according to the country , opportunities and treatments are different
- Present and future tellers : To put into perspective the EU’s asylum policy and cultivate critical thinking

Pedagogical Objectives :
- To familiarize with core concepts of asylum system in EU
- To understand the diversity of the ways and reasons people seek for asylum
- To comprehend that according to the country, opportunities and treatments are different
- To put into perspective EU asylum policy
- To cultivate critical thinking